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Reasonable Adjustment Policy


This policy sets out the steps our centre, and learners or other personnel must follow when making reasonable adjustments.

Reviewed October 2024 and next review is September 2025

Definition of Reasonable Adjustment

A reasonable adjustment is any accommodation, change or support that can be given to a learner with a disability, or difficulty, learning or otherwise, that can be applied to their studies and/or their assessments.

This does not include adjustments to marking standards or assessment requirements.

Reasonable Adjustment is different from Special Consideration which adjusts marks after an assessment. Special Consideration can be granted after an assessment if the learner has been disadvantaged during the assessment process. This can adjust the marks on a paper.

Who are Reasonable Adjustments for?

Some learners may find standard arrangements for assessment can create unnecessary barriers. Such barriers can arise when learners have:

  • Disabilities
  • Learning difficulties
  • Temporary Disabilities
  • Temporary illness, injury, or adverse circumstances at the time of the assessment that could be detrimental to the learner’s performance.

Examples of reasonable adjustment

  • Up to 25% extra time for assessment papers and additional time for completing any tutor set tasks
  • Provision of a scribe and/or reader, either physically or by technology.
  • Moving an assessment date, or allow the examination to take place at the learner’s place of work, under supervision.

Process for Reasonable Adjustment

Any request for Reasonable Adjustment needs clear evidence to be provided by the learner. These can be documents from medical practitioners or educational psychologists. If a learner isn’t sure if something counts as evidence, they should contact the college admin team or Learning Styles Advisor who will be able to give advice.

College staff and tutors will try to identify any learner needs and to aid the learner in requesting adjustments. Reasonable adjustments may cover all of the course content and not just the assessment.

All requests are reviewed on an individual basis and information received is carefully considered.

The College will discuss requests for Reasonable Adjustment with the relevant Awarding Body on a sympathetic and confidential basis.

Appeals against a Reasonable Adjustment decision

If the learner has concerns or disagrees with the Cambridge Marketing College’s decision regarding Reasonable Adjustment in their case, they can follow the procedures laid out in the College's Complaints Policy