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Policy Tailoring Apprenticeship Training Programme

Reviewed October 2024, next review September 2025


The Core Programme

  1. CMC core apprenticeship programmes are designed to meet all KSBs specified in the standards, to be challenging and to include key additional topics for all apprentices including: Safeguarding, Prevent, British Values, Staying Safe Online and Diversity.
  2. All apprentices are challenged and supported to complete the core programme – programmes are not downgraded. However, apprentices do not have to complete all the resources provided to complete the programme. A wide range of resources is provided to meet different learning preferences and needs. Tutors advise on the resources and tasks that must be completed.
  3. Flexibility within the programmes allows for additional topics to be included to meet both an employer’s and apprentice’s specific needs and ambitions from the programme. These are captured in the Learning Plan. This tailoring may include additional resources and tasks or more time being allocated to specific resources or tasks.

OJT (Off the Job) Hours

The total OJT hours each apprentice has to complete the apprenticeship is assessed at the outset and actual OJT recorded and monitored continuously. The tutor can flex the resources and tasks set to reflect progress and the hours available.

Prior Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills

  1. Apprentices’ prior qualifications are checked for overlap with the core programme. This is undertaken as part of the process of ensuring an apprentice is enrolling onto the right level of apprenticeship – so in the majority of cases the apprenticeship is the next level up from any prior qualification. Where this is not the case, major areas of overlap are removed from the core programme and a reduction in fees is agreed.
  2. In addition an initial Skill Scan of existing KSBs is undertaken at induction and recorded as part of the IAG. This is partly to guide the tutor on strengths, weaknesses and priorities. It is also used for areas of high KSB to remove or reduce time spent, recognising the importance of reinforcement and continuous development. Where there is a significant reduction to the programme, reduced fees are agreed accordingly.
  3. The Skills Scan undertaken at the outset is also used to review progress during the apprenticeship.